釺新聞文章 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/bg-p/braze-blog 釺新聞文章 坐,格林尼治時間2023年8月19日09:14:59 braze-blog 2023 - 08 - 19 - t09:14:59z 8月的營銷人員 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/august-marketer-of-the-month/ba-p/1581 < P > < span class = " lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline”圖片alt = " 620 x340_motm_august。png”風格= "寬度:620 px;" > < img src = " https://community.braze.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/410iEF98BB14652E0107/image-size/large?v=v2& px = 999”角色= 620 x340_motm_august title =“按鈕。png”alt = " 620 x340_motm_august。png " / > < / span > < / P > 星期五,2023年8月18日14:45:08格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/august-marketer-of-the-month/ba-p/1581 EmilyCalderon 2023 - 08 - 18 - t14:45:08z 提醒投SXSW 2024板! https://community.braze.com/t5/braze - news/reminder -投票- sxsw - 2024 panels/ba p/1552 < P > < SPAN > 2024年的SXSW大會投票正在進行中!釺,今年沒有一個,不是兩個,而是四個麵板我們想明年3月去奧斯汀,我們需要你的幫助我們。點擊下麵的鏈接,了解更多關於我們的提議與領先品牌喜歡NBA, DraftKings, e.l.f。美麗,Pinterest, PLAYSTUDIOS,動視暴雪等等。 

Community voting is open now through August 20th so cast your votes! The process is simple and should only take two minutes of your time. 

Bridging the Gap Between In-Game and Digital Engagement: https://panelpicker.sxsw.com/vote/141632

Create Inclusive Beauty Communities by Knowing Your Audience: https://panelpicker.sxsw.com/vote/142404

How to Build Loyalty, Fandom, & Inclusive Gaming Communities: https://panelpicker.sxsw.com/vote/141984

Building Community & Loyalty in the Streaming Age: https://panelpicker.sxsw.com/vote/135672

結婚,2023年8月16日15:25:31格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze - news/reminder -投票- sxsw - 2024 panels/ba p/1552 MaggieBrennan 2023 - 08 - 16 - t15:25:31z
即將到來的AMA -測試和學習:駕駛與智能優化值 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/upcoming-ama-test-and-learn-driving-value-with-smart/ba-p/1526 < P > < SPAN >保存日期……下一個AMA即將到來!標記你的日曆<強>周二,8月29日下午1點等< /強> < A href = " https://community.braze.com/t5/community-events/ask-me-anything-test-and-learn-driving-value-with-smart/ec-p/1451 # M5”目標= " _self”>下一個AMA < / >。了解如何成功利用數據和測試可以大大提高你的營銷性能。盡管數據驅動營銷的明顯的好處,許多品牌仍難以有效地實現它。幫助你的團隊保持領先在今天的快節奏的商業環境,並實現更好的結果和更高的ROI,我們創建了< / SPAN > < A href = " https://ter。李/ p177lt“目標= "平等" > <強>測試和學習:駕駛價值與智能優化< /強> < SPAN >指南。< / SPAN > < / > < / P > < P > < SPAN > < A href = " https://community.braze.com/t5/community-events/ask-me-anything-test-and-learn-driving-value-with-smart/ec-p/1451 # M5”目標= " _self”>這AMA < / >,您將有機會問迪倫鯉魚,高級客戶成功經理釺,和Guendalina布拉加,CRM,自動化在BlaBlaCar鉛,對他們的技巧,技巧,並學習如何測試效率和快速反應領先競爭隻< / SPAN > < / P > < P > < SPAN > Guenda附帶了一個寬的測試經驗使用帆布釺優化活動。這AMA給你獨一無二的機會直接問一個案例研究在測試和學習:駕駛價值與智能優化指南。Guenda與釺團隊演示BlaBlaCar優化他們的電子郵件的打開率測試發送者的名字在兩個單獨的歐洲市場。 Now, you have the opportunity to ask her about her findings, the challenges she encountered during the testing process, and more. 

星期五,2023年8月11日18:30:44格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/upcoming-ama-test-and-learn-driving-value-with-smart/ba-p/1526 MaggieBrennan 2023 - 08 - 11 - t18:30:44z
為2024年的SXSW大會投票正在進行中! https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/voting-is-underway-for-sxsw-2024/ba-p/1492 < P > < SPAN > 2024年的SXSW大會投票正在進行中!釺,今年沒有一個,不是兩個,而是四個麵板我們想明年3月去奧斯汀,我們需要你的幫助我們。點擊下麵的鏈接,了解更多關於我們的提議與領先品牌喜歡NBA, DraftKings, e.l.f。美麗,Pinterest, PLAYSTUDIOS,動視暴雪等等。 

Community voting is open now through August 20th so cast your votes! The process is simple and should only take two minutes of your time. 

Bridging the Gap Between In-Game and Digital Engagement: https://panelpicker.sxsw.com/vote/141632

Create Inclusive Beauty Communities by Knowing Your Audience: https://panelpicker.sxsw.com/vote/142404

How to Build Loyalty, Fandom, & Inclusive Gaming Communities: https://panelpicker.sxsw.com/vote/141984

Building Community & Loyalty in the Streaming Age: https://panelpicker.sxsw.com/vote/135672

星期二,2023年8月08年16:36:57格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/voting-is-underway-for-sxsw-2024/ba-p/1492 MaggieBrennan 2023 - 08年- 08 - t16:36:57z
宣布2023年釺科技創始人為黑人群體 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze news/announcing - - 2023釺-科技-黑色- cohort/ba p/1465創始人

The Tech for Black Founders program was launched in 2020 in an effort to level the playing field for Black-led businesses. Through this initiative, Braze provides free software access to qualifying Black-led startups in order to help founders accelerate their business growth, increasing their chances at securing venture funding to build successful, sustainable businesses.

In January, we opened our third call for applications. The response was incredible, with over 350 inquiries received (an 88% increase from 2022). Selections were ultimately made based on overall product fit, understanding of how Braze can influence their business goals, and bandwidth for timely implementation of an advanced tech tool. Selected companies span across a variety of industries and business models, including a digital banking app designed to support Black business owners, a food delivery app spotlighting local Black-owned restaurants, a chore tracking app that teaches kids about credit, and more.

Learn more about the 12 startups selected for our 2023 cohort HERE.

媽,07年8月2023 14:17:55 GMT https://community.braze.com/t5/braze news/announcing - - 2023釺-科技-黑色- cohort/ba p/1465創始人 MaggieBrennan 2023 - 08年- 07 - t14:17:55z
連接、創建與倫敦城市x https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/connect-create-engage-at-city-x-city-london/ba-p/1418 < P類= >“p1”在2023年9月19日見到你,< / P > 結婚,2023年8月02 14:11:24格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/connect-create-engage-at-city-x-city-london/ba-p/1418 MaggieBrennan 2023 - 08 - 02 - t14:11:24z 數字策略師認證啟動了! https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/digital-strategist-certification-has-launched/ba-p/1413 < P > < SPAN >釺學習團隊剛剛宣布推出我們的< / SPAN > < A href = " https://learning.braze.com/page/certification " target = "平等" > < SPAN >數字策略師認證< / SPAN > < / > < SPAN >和< / SPAN > < A href = " https://learning.braze.com/path/digital-strategist " target = "平等" > < SPAN >學習路徑< / SPAN > < / > < SPAN > !< / SPAN > < / P > < P > < SPAN >釺認證數字戰略家負責規劃和優化競選策略基於最佳實踐和性能。他們應該大致了解釺的技術堆棧的每個組件以及它們如何一起工作。他們必須能夠識別用戶角色和生命周期旅程包括有意義的時刻和下降點。< / SPAN > < / P > < P > < SPAN >請注意認證管理員考試已經永久廢止。徽章本身仍然有效,所以的人都通過考試管理員將保持他們的認證。< / SPAN > < / P > < P > < SPAN >想知道如果數字策略師認證是正確的嗎?對管理員和數字之間的差異問題分析師認證嗎?查看< / SPAN > < A href = " https://braze.wistia.com/medias/cqtzrr6ph4 " target = "平等" > < SPAN >預告片< / SPAN > < / > < SPAN >的學習路徑和考試或< / SPAN > < A href = " https://learning.braze.com/page/digital-strategist-release " target = "平等" > < SPAN >發布通知< / SPAN > < / > < SPAN >。< / SPAN > < / P > 星期二,2023年8月01 19:18:28格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/digital-strategist-certification-has-launched/ba-p/1413 MaggieBrennan 2023 - 08 - 01 - t19:18:28z 7月的營銷人員 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/july-marketer-of-the-month/ba-p/1303 < P > < span class = " lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline”圖片alt = " 620 x340_motm_july。png”風格= "寬度:620 px;" > < img src = " https://community.braze.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/357i6E993908D8F6B6F0/image-size/large?v=v2& px = 999”角色= 620 x340_motm_july title =“按鈕。png”alt = " 620 x340_motm_july。png " / > < / span > < / P > 星期一,2023年7月17日15:04:25 GMT https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/july-marketer-of-the-month/ba-p/1303 EmilyCalderon 2023 - 07 - 17 - t15:04:25z Torchie獎勵期限延長 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/torchie-awards-deadline-extended/ba-p/1195 < P >, < / P > < P > < SPAN > <強>好消息!< /強>更新的最後期限< / SPAN > < A href = " https://events.braze.com/torchie -獎勵- 2023“目標=“平等”rel = " noopener " > < SPAN > 2023 Torchie獎< / SPAN > < / > < SPAN >提交現在<強>周一,7月24日< /強>隻<跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":clapping_hands: " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN > < / P > < P > < SPAN >條目對六種不同的獎項:開放,< / SPAN > < / P > < UL > <李風格=“粗細:400;“aria-level = " 1 " > <強>今年競選:< /強> < SPAN >這個獎項認可品牌,展示了結果推動真正的,有意義的業務影響的客戶激活,參與、貨幣化,或保留。< / SPAN > < /李> < / UL > < P >, < / P > < UL > <李aria-level = " 1 " > <強>營銷領袖:< /強> < SPAN >這個獎項承認一個個人展示非凡的領導人在他們的組織在支持客戶參與。李< / SPAN > < / > < / UL > < UL > <李aria-level = " 1 " > <強>今年協作的團隊:< /強> < SPAN >這個獎項承認打破了筒倉在他們的組織和團隊展示卓越協作支持的公司的成功隻< / SPAN > < /李> < / UL > < UL > <李aria-level = " 1 " > <強>篝火社區領袖:< /強> < SPAN >這個獎項承認客戶演示了一個熱情的篝火社區,通過詢問和回答問題或展示他們是如何使用釺作為客戶互動的努力的一部分。李< / SPAN > < / > < / UL > < UL > <李aria-level = " 1 " > <強>營銷新星:< /強> < SPAN >這個獎項承認一個有望成為職業生涯的早期職業營銷人是加速隻< / SPAN > < /李> < / UL > < UL > <李aria-level = " 1 " > <強>創意卓越獎:< /強> < SPAN >這個獎項認可的品牌推到極致的創造力和創新客戶接觸時的努力。這個獎項的得主是選擇釺427°創新實驗室領導團隊。< / SPAN > < /李> < / UL > < P > < SPAN >有時候拖延支付:當你提交條目之間<強>星期四,7月6日< /強>,和<強>周一,7月24日< / >強,你將會進入一個隨機圖紙釺贓物包隻< / SPAN > < / P > < P > < SPAN >我們也延長提交期限< / SPAN > < a href = " https://events.braze.com/forge - 2023 -電話- -揚聲器”目標=“平等”rel = " noopener " > < SPAN >議長提交< / SPAN > < / > <時間> 7月31日。8月4日我們將通知你如果你提交批準隻,< / SPAN > < / P > < P > < SPAN >我們期待審查你的提交,見到你在< / SPAN > < A href = " https://events.braze.com/forge - 2023”目標=“平等”rel = " noopener " > < SPAN >打造2023年< / SPAN > < / > < SPAN > 10月隻< / SPAN > < / P > 星期四,06年7月2023 13:00:00 GMT https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/torchie-awards-deadline-extended/ba-p/1195 MaggieBrennan 2023 - 07 - 06 - t13:00:00z 釺學習帶來提升 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/braze-learning-bonanza-promotion/ba-p/1135 < P > < SPAN >團隊在釺學習興奮地宣布鴻運促銷現場培訓和認證。 

From 5 July 2023 to 31 August 2023:

  • Any individual learner...
  • who attends any vILT course (with an existing promo code or through direct purchase)...
  • will receive an exclusive promo code in their vILT follow-up email good for (1) seat in an additional vILT course of their choosing.

From 5 July 2023 through 30 September 2023, any individual learner can use the Bonanza certification code, good for 50% off a certification exam attempt on any certification exam.

  • Learners will have until 30 September 2023 to use the code to book their certification, but exams may be scheduled for a future date.
  • 1 code use per person. Additional unauthorized usage may result in account suspension.
  • Check out the available Certifications and refer to the Exam Scheduling Guide for more details on registering and taking exams. 
2023年結婚,05年7月16:00:00 GMT https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/braze-learning-bonanza-promotion/ba-p/1135 MaggieBrennan 2023 - 07 - 05 - t16:00:00z
保存日期——即將AMA聖人AI在釺 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/save-the-date-upcoming-ama-on-sage-ai-by-braze/ba-p/1174 < P > < SPAN >我們聊天聖人AI釺在未來AMA 7月11日,< / SPAN > < / P > 星期五,2023年6月30日11:08:53格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/save-the-date-upcoming-ama-on-sage-ai-by-braze/ba-p/1174 MaggieBrennan 2023 - 06 - 30 - t11:08:53z 了解聖人AI釺 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/get-to-know-sage-ai-by-braze/ba-p/1160 < P > < SPAN >最近人工智能(AI)的發展為品牌創造了新的機會更創新,更有效地工作,開車更強的ROI。和利用這些功能以深思熟慮的方式讓企業在競爭優勢,擁擠的行業。 

So how can you and your team unlock the power of AI?

Start with Sage AI by Braze. Sage AI by Braze lowers the barriers to exceptional customer engagement by making creativity, personalization, and experimentation easily accessible to all marketers. Sage AI by Braze is built into your existing workflows in Braze, so you can enhance your customer engagement campaigns with AI in a matter of moments.

For example, did you know you can use generative AI features in Braze to instantly create message copy and custom images for your campaigns? Imagine how much time you can save by letting AI take on the heavy lifting of routine tasks. Plus, you can run more experiments by generating multiple campaign variants and using AI-powered testing and optimization features to quickly find the best performing version of a campaign.

Sage AI by Braze powers generative AI copywriting and image generation features; predictive features in the Predictive Suite; and campaign optimization features like the Intelligence Suite, Personalized Variant, and Winning Paths in Canvas. Sage AI by Braze will soon power AI Recommendations, AI Content QA, and A/B Test Prediction. Braze has pioneered and continues to shape the future of AI-powered marketing.

Learn more about Sage AI by Braze here


星期二,2023年6月27日13:30:00格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/get-to-know-sage-ai-by-braze/ba-p/1160 MaggieBrennan 2023 - 06 - 27 - t13:30:00z
分享你的釺經驗&解鎖一個特別的驚喜 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/share-your-braze-experience-amp-unlock-a-special-surprise/ba-p/1131 < P > < span class = " lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline”圖片alt = " 620 x340_community_trustradius (1) . png”風格=“寬度:620 px;”> < img src = " https://community.braze.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/324i1CD10B45AC910B8F/image-size/large?v=v2& px = 999”角色=”按鈕“title =“620 x340_community_trustradius (1) . png”alt = " 620 x340_community_trustradius (1) . png”/ > < / span > < / P > 結婚,2023年6月21日15:15:38格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/share-your-braze-experience-amp-unlock-a-special-surprise/ba-p/1131 EmilyCalderon 2023 - 06 - 21 - t15:15:38z 6月的營銷人員 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/june-marketer-of-the-month/ba-p/1099 < P > < span class = " lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline”圖片alt = " 620 x340_motm_june。png”風格= "寬度:620 px;" > < img src = " https://community.braze.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/312iA4D34711643723DD/image-size/large?v=v2& px = 999”角色= 620 x340_motm_june title =“按鈕。png”alt = " 620 x340_motm_june。png " / > < / span > < / P > 星期五,2023年6月16日17:01:31格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/june-marketer-of-the-month/ba-p/1099 EmilyCalderon 2023 - 06 - 16 - t17:01:31z 提名篝火社區領袖獎了 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/nominate-for-bonfire-community-leader-award-now/ba-p/1079 < P data-pm-slice =“1 1”[] > ICYMI:今年的Torchie獎項包括社區獎第一次!我們慶祝一個特殊的篝火社區成員一貫支持別人在釺展示他們的工作,積極參與討論,提出有深度的問題。我們知道有一些傑出的篝火成員真正應得的認可,和自我推薦多受歡迎。< / P > < P >有人想到當你想到釺篝火社區?如果是這樣,提名的篝火社區領袖獎,點擊< A href = " https://ter。李/ szmncq _self“目標= " " > < / >。< / P > < P >贏家將宣布在< A href = " https://events.braze.com/forge - 2023”目標= " _self”>打造2023年< / >在紐約,在那裏你會有機會得到你的獎杯在會議期間的人。另外,Torchie獎將授予贈票打造2023年。提名將於7月10日,所以<強> < A href = " https://ter。李/ szmncq _self“目標= " " >提交您的條目今天< / > < / >強壯! < / P > 星期二,2023年6月13日13:00:00格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/nominate-for-bonfire-community-leader-award-now/ba-p/1079 MaggieBrennan 2023 - 06 - 13 - t13:00:00z 釺x城市舊金山6月6日發生! https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/braze-city-x-city-san-francisco-is-happening-june-6/ba-p/1038 < P > < SPAN >嘿Bonfirers !社區團隊將在科幻小說<強>星期二,6月6日< /強> < A href = " https://events.braze.com/cityxcity-sf?utm_source=bonfire& utm_medium = slack& utm_campaign = fy24-q2-global-cityxcity_community_promo”目標= " _self”>釺舊金山城市x < / >。我們很想見到你。< / SPAN > < / P > < P > < SPAN > < A href = " https://events.braze.com/cityxcity-sf?utm_source=bonfire& utm_medium = slack& utm_campaign = fy24-q2-global-cityxcity_community_promo”目標= " _self”>釺城市x < / >是一個網絡與同伴的機會,滿足釺夥伴,趕上最新的趨勢在客戶接觸,和深潛水如何偉大的品牌構建彈性通過創建的那種經驗推動客戶忠誠度。加入我們學習加速業務增長通過橫渡英吉利海峽的客戶互動的力量隻< / SPAN > < / P > < P >, < / P > < P > <強>你可以預期:< /強> < / P > < UL > <李風格=“粗細:400;“aria-level = " 1 " > < SPAN >評論從我們的高管,包括:< / SPAN > < UL > <李風格=“粗細:400;“aria-level = " 1 " > < SPAN >喬恩•海曼共同創始人兼首席技術官< / SPAN > < /李> <李風格=“粗細:400;“aria-level = " 1 " > < SPAN > Kevin Wang首席產品官< / SPAN > < /李> <李風格=“粗細:400;“aria-level = " 1 " > < SPAN > Astha Malik首席商務官< / SPAN > < /李> <李風格=“粗細:400;“aria-level = " 1 " > < SPAN >莎拉•裏德,高級主管全球事件< / SPAN > < /李> < / UL > < /李> <李風格=“粗細:400;“aria-level = " 1 " > < SPAN >充足的網絡與其他思想領袖的機會在我們的社區,討論接下來的客戶互動< / SPAN > < /李> <李風格=“粗細:400;“aria-level = " 1 " > < SPAN >有機會聽到釺客戶的技巧,因為他們展示在客戶保留和收購成功的樣子,加上他們的策略是如何進化的。manbetx万博全站客户端李< / SPAN > < / > <李風格=“粗細:400;“aria-level = " 1 " >一個機會來滿足我們的解決方案合作夥伴和學習如何使用釺李< / > <李風格=“粗細:400;“aria-level = " 1 " >的歡樂時光雞尾酒和conversation  < /李> < / UL > < P data-unlink = " true " > < SPAN >研究議程和<強>簽署< /強> < / SPAN > < SPAN > <強> < A href = " https://events.braze.com/cityxcity-sf?utm_source=bonfire& utm_medium = slack& utm_campaign = fy24-q2-global-cityxcity_community_promo”目標= " _self " > < / > < /強>。< / SPAN >,在這裏發表評論,如果你打算親自出席。我想認識一些篝火社區的IRL隻< / P > 星期四,2023年01 6月18:21:25 GMT https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/braze-city-x-city-san-francisco-is-happening-june-6/ba-p/1038 MaggieBrennan 2023 - 06 - 01 - t18:21:25z 篝火大師級6月1日下午1點在2023年5月產品發布等 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze - news/bonfire大師級-在- 1 - 6月1 - 5月- - - - - - - -下午- et - - 2023 - product/ba p/973 < P > < >強加入我們明天,6月1日下午1點等< /強> < SPAN > < / SPAN > < A href = " https://community.braze.com/ " target = "平等" > < SPAN >論壇< / SPAN > < / > < SPAN >讓常見問題的答案相關的最新釺釋放”< / SPAN > < A href = " //www.esukuk.com/resources/webinars -和- events/may - 2023新產品-釋放”目標= "平等" > < SPAN >新< / SPAN > < / > < SPAN >。產品營銷經理”哈利Trost釺,將主辦一個活Q&會話相關的新的和更新的生產力特性在釺平台,可以在更短的時間內幫助品牌驅動更好的競選結果。想要了解更多關於觀眾同步或雲數據攝入?收聽明天!,< / SPAN > < / P > 結婚,2023年5月31日21:50:49格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze - news/bonfire大師級-在- 1 - 6月1 - 5月- - - - - - - -下午- et - - 2023 - product/ba p/973 MaggieBrennan 2023 - 05 - 31 - t21:50:49z 現在Torchie獎2023:提交開放 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze - news/torchie獎- 2023 -提交-現在- open/ba p/901 < P > < SPAN >我們興奮地宣布,< A href = " https://events.braze.com/torchie -獎勵- 2023“目標= " _self”>提名Torchie獎項現在打開< / >。我們有<強> 6客戶獎< /強>將在今年的< A href = " https://events.braze.com/forge - 2023”目標= " _self”>打造2023年< / >:,< / SPAN > < / P > < UL > <李風格=“粗細:400;“aria-level = " 1 " > <強>今年競選:< /強> < SPAN >這個獎項承認品牌展示結果,驅動真實的,有意義的業務影響的客戶激活,參與、貨幣化,或保留。李李< / SPAN > < / > < > < >強營銷領袖:< /強> < SPAN >這個獎項承認一個個人展示非凡的領導人在他們的組織在支持客戶參與。李李< / SPAN > < / > < > < >強協作團隊今年:< /強> < SPAN >這個獎項承認打破了筒倉在他們的組織和團隊展示卓越協作支持的公司的成功隻< / SPAN > < /李> <李aria-level = " 1 " > <強>篝火社區領袖:< /強> < SPAN >這個獎項承認客戶演示了一個熱情的篝火社區,通過詢問和回答問題或展示他們是如何使用釺作為客戶互動的努力的一部分。李< / SPAN > < / > <李aria-level = " 1 " > <強>營銷新星:< /強> < SPAN >這個獎項承認一個有望成為職業生涯的早期職業營銷人是加速。李< / SPAN > < / > <李aria-level = " 1 " > <強>創意卓越獎:< /強> < SPAN >這個獎項認可的品牌推到極致的創造力和創新客戶接觸時的努力。這個獎項的得主是選擇釺427°創新實驗室領導團隊。< / SPAN > < /李> < / UL > < P > < LI-WRAPPER > < / LI-WRAPPER > < / P > < P > < SPAN >, < / SPAN > < SPAN >你有一位隊友似乎完美的候選人之一,這些獎項嗎?你相信你的品牌推出的活動?<強>提交提名< /強> < / SPAN > <強> <風格= "字體類型:繼承;background - color: # ffffff; " href = " https://events.braze.com/torchie -獎勵- 2023“目標= "平等" rel = " noopener”這裏> < / > < /強> <強烈風格= "字體類型:繼承;" >隻< /強> < / P > 星期二,2023年5月30日20:01:46格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze - news/torchie獎- 2023 -提交-現在- open/ba p/901 MaggieBrennan 2023 - 05 - 30 - t20:01:46z 客戶關注的焦點:用以獎勵的肖恩·柯林斯 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/customer-spotlight-bilt-reward-s-sean-collins/ba-p/888 < P > < span class = " lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline”圖片alt = " 620 x340_community_maymoth。png”風格= "寬度:620 px;" > < img src = " https://community.braze.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/281i54512F2B40F1404E/image-size/large?v=v2& px = 999”角色= 620 x340_community_maymoth title =“按鈕。png”alt = " 620 x340_community_maymoth。png " / > < / span > < / P > 2023年5月25日星期四14:54:36 GMT https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/customer-spotlight-bilt-reward-s-sean-collins/ba-p/888 EmilyCalderon 2023 - 05 - 25 - t14:54:36z 本月營銷人員嗎 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/may-marketer-of-the-month/ba-p/853 < P > < span class = " lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline”圖片alt = " 620 x340_motm_may。png”風格= "寬度:620 px;" > < img src = " https://community.braze.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/271iC9F83B477D566126/image-size/large?v=v2& px = 999”角色= 620 x340_motm_may title =“按鈕。png”alt = " 620 x340_motm_may。png " / > < / span > < / P > 星期一,2023年5月22日16:01:48格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/braze-news/may-marketer-of-the-month/ba-p/853 EmilyCalderon 2023 - 05 - 22 - t16:01:48z