連接休息室主題 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/bd-p/welcomelounge 連接休息室主題 星期二,格林尼治時間2023 08:56:38小君 welcomelounge 2023 - 06 - 20 - t08:56:38z 目前CRM團隊是如何培訓他們的下屬嗎? https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/how-are-crm-teams-currently-training-their-juniors/m-p/1050 M154

Recently while training a newbie, I realised that there are currently no good resources to train & educate someone for lifecycle marketing. The resources they find online are mostly still talking about CRM from a SaaS or B2B perspective. 

I am wondering if anyone has run into a similar issue or has an internal system which they think does the trick. Also happy to share best practices from my viewpoint, but would love to get ideas.

媽,05年6月2023 09:35:10 GMT https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/how-are-crm-teams-currently-training-their-juniors/m-p/1050 M154 Karan-Tibdewal 2023 - 06 - 05 - t09:35:10z
從柏林Sathiya:公司營銷專家自動化和生命周期 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/sathiya-from-berlin-expert-in-marketing-automation-and-lifecycle/m-p/1039 M152 < P >, < / P > < P >你好,< / P > < P >我是Sathiya來自柏林。我是一名獨立的自由職業者擁有超過10年的營銷自動化和生命周期的營銷經驗。在我的職業生涯中,我曾與龍頭企業在世界範圍內,協助優化他們的營銷策略。< / P > < P >目前,我支持多個客戶端在歐盟利用釺平台來開發有效的自動化和集成。這一強大的平台使我們能夠為我們的客戶取得最大成果和驅動成功。< / P > < P >我興奮的是這個社會的一部分,提供我的專長和向他人學習。對我的工作的更多信息,請訪問我的投資組合在architCX.com。< / P > < P >謝謝你,我祝你所有最好的! < / P > 星期四,2023年01 6月21:45:48 GMT https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/sathiya-from-berlin-expert-in-marketing-automation-and-lifecycle/m-p/1039 M152 architcx 2023 - 06 - 01 - t21:45:48z 你好,我是卡蘭- CRM自由職業者和發展顧問 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/hello-i-m-karan-a-crm-freelancer-amp-growth-consultant/m-p/896 M150 < P >嘿,可愛的來到這裏!我是一個CRM自由職業者,與釺工作了超過5年。我現在幫助我的客戶提供廣泛的CRM項目。我開始我在Hellofresh CRM的旅程,與一些領先的訂閱應用程序像Blinkist,一夜,Deezer,等。< / P > < P >我愛分享我學習路上,文章< A href = " https://www.linkedin.com/in/karantibdewal/recent-activity/shares/ " target = " _self”> Linkedin對我的一些知識,< / > CRM框架。我也舉辦一個< a href = " https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/karan-tibdewal " target = " _self”>雙周刊CRM播客,LTV談判< / >,我麵試的人工作在CRM和訂閱優化主題隻< / P > < P >如果你想< A href = " https://www.linkedin.com/in/karantibdewal/ " target = " _self”>連接在Linkedin l < / >或< A href = " https://www.karan-tibdewal.com/ " target = " _self”>的書在我的一些工作到目前為止< / >隻< / P > 星期一,2023年5月29日格林尼治時間09:36:27 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/hello-i-m-karan-a-crm-freelancer-amp-growth-consultant/m-p/896 M150 Karan-Tibdewal 2023 - 05 - 29 - t09:36:27z 嗨,篝火的朋友! https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/hi-bonfire-friends/m-p/841 M142 < P > < span class = " lia-unicode-emoji“title = ":麥克風:" > < / span >自來水,自來水,自來水,這事?,< span class = " lia-unicode-emoji“title = ": grinning_squinting_face: " > < / span > < / P > < P >現在我已經老掉牙的第一行設置階段,我是伊麗莎白,我加入了釺向3月底領導社區,倡導團隊(< span class = " lia-unicode-emoji“title = ": raising_hands: " > < / span >, < a href = " https://community.braze.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/4 " > @MaggieBrennan < / >, < a href = " https://community.braze.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/10 " > @EmilyCalderon < / >,以及< a href = " https://community.braze.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/12 " > @SadafQayumi < / >做了了不起的工作!)。< / P > < P >我新的釺但不是新社區——釺之前,我建立了鬆社區在鬆弛和移動增長社區分支(公司原名Appboy加入或者舉辦一些社區聚會!)。< / P > < P >我<跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":閃光:" >✨< / span >, < EM >引發< / EM > <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”title =“:閃光:“>✨< / span >在釺和興奮地了解你們,讓我一個消息,如果你想連接或分享的篝火已經對你的意義。< / P > < P >走吧!,< / P > 2023年5月19日星期五22:00:49格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/hi-bonfire-friends/m-p/841 M142 eakinsey 2023 - 05 - 19 - t22:00:49z 自稱郵件# jobhunting極客 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/self-proclaimed-email-geek-here-jobhunting/m-p/799 M139 < P >問候一個自稱郵件極客布什製定的路上通過虛擬荒野的找工作。I'm looking for a new email gig after finishing my contract with Ring.com, preferably one that uses Braze.  


2023年5月12日星期五,格林尼治時間12:13:14 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/self-proclaimed-email-geek-here-jobhunting/m-p/799 M139 loristedman 2023 - 05 - 12 - t12:13:14z
調用所有釺自由職業者 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/calling-all-braze-freelancers/m-p/792 M138

Hey Braze friends,

We building a collective of freelancers specialising in Braze integration, strategy and campaign management to help Braze customers around the world. Our collective has a range of different clients who are using Braze and we need freelancers with different specialisations to connect them with for work opportunities.

If you are a CRM marketing manager, analyst, product manager or creative and would like to do freelance work for different clients and apps then we would love  to hear from you. Commitment could be as little as 10 hours per week and work would be fully remote.

Simply fill out this short form to apply https://forms.gle/JNM1mC2GofQ3wrFg7

If you have any questions please DM me for more info!

2023年5月09日星期二14:45:57 GMT https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/calling-all-braze-freelancers/m-p/792 M138 艾德 2023 - 05 - 09 - t14:45:57z
直升機,嗨,Hej我丹妮! https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/helo-hi-and-hej-i-m-dany/m-p/721 M127 < P class = " " > < SPAN class = " " >直升機< / SPAN > < SPAN class = " " >,嗨,Hej <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":waving_hand: " > < / SPAN >,我是丹尼。高級客戶關係經理在飲食醫生幫助人們過上健康的生活和戰鬥糖尿病釺溝通一次。< / SPAN > < / P > < P class = " " > < SPAN class = " " > <強> <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":world_map: " > < / SPAN >,我來自的地方:,< /強>威爾士的西海岸。< / SPAN > < / P > < P class = " " > < SPAN class = " " > <強> <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= "::" > < / SPAN >,現在我住的地方:,< /強>斯堪的納維亞的首都,斯德哥爾摩。< / SPAN > < / P > < P class = " " > < SPAN class = " " > <強> <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":公文包:" > < / SPAN >,我現在做的:,< /強>我是高級CRM經理在飲食的醫生。< / SPAN > < / P > < P class = " " > < SPAN class = " " > <強> <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":smiling_face_with_heart_eyes: " > < / SPAN >,品牌我欽佩:,< / >強巴塔哥尼亞,湯姆斯,Warby帕克,美體小鋪,本,傑瑞,< / SPAN > < SPAN class = " " >第七代。< / SPAN > < / P > < P class = " " > < SPAN class = " " > <強> <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":globe_showing_americas: " > < / SPAN >,最喜歡旅行我過:,< /強>為我們的蜜月旅行從拉斯維加斯圖盧姆(我們結婚),墨西哥陸路和乘船。這是一個神奇的旅行,一個我們希望重做,這一次我們的孩子。< / SPAN > < / P > 星期一,2023年4月24日10:13:50格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/helo-hi-and-hej-i-m-dany/m-p/721 M127 DanyWillis 2023 - 04 - 24 - t10:13:50z 我是艾麗卡!很高興見到你! https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/i-m-erica-nice-to-meet-you/m-p/719 M126 < P >你好!我艾麗卡,老業務策略師在針,我們熱衷於幫助營銷人員充分利用釺! 

 Where I'm from: The state filled with beer and cheese, Wisconsin, of course! 

 Where I live now: I guess I like the beer and cheese too much to leave...

 What I do now: I'm a Sr. Business Strategist at Stitch! I'm passionate about all things in the campaign world; strategy, process, the list could go on...

 Brands I admire: Sephora, Nordstrom, Target

 Favorite trip I've ever taken: I got married on the Big Island in Hawaii so it will always be a special place to me. 

星期五,2023年4月21日16:03:04格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/i-m-erica-nice-to-meet-you/m-p/719 M126 Erica_Spivek 2023 - 04 - 21 - t16:03:04z
道具的運動鞋 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/props-to-the-trainers/m-p/708 M122 < P >我想給喊<跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":擴音器:" > < / span >所有的運動鞋跑步的現場會議你可以加入here  < a href = " https://learning.braze.com/path/braze-foundations " target = "平等" > https://learning.braze.com/path/braze-foundations < / >, < / P > < P >我一直使用釺超過3年,老實說,我已經找到我的方式通過自學習神奇的工具。然後引發了我的興趣,我參加了一個會議,和我想說的是哇小姐:希望我這樣做。< span class = " lia-unicode-emoji“title = ":火箭:" > < / span > < / P > < P >運動鞋是偉大的和思想火花和其他類成員真的很鼓舞人心,謝謝大家!< span class = " lia-unicode-emoji“title = ": folded_hands: " > < / span > < / P > 星期四,2023年4月20日07:28:24格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/props-to-the-trainers/m-p/708 M122 DanyWillis 2023 - 04 - 20 - t07:28:24z 你好來自倫敦! https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/hello-from-london/m-p/696 M119 < P > <強> <跨類= " lia-unicode-emoji " > <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":world_map: " > < / SPAN >, < / SPAN >,我來自:倫敦< /強> < / P > < P > <強> <跨類= " lia-unicode-emoji " > <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= "::" > < / SPAN >, < / SPAN >我現在住的地方:< /強>我沒有走遠,還是倫敦!,< / P > < P > <強> <跨類= " lia-unicode-emoji " > <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":公文包:" > < / SPAN >, < / SPAN >我現在做什麼:< /強> CRM  @ Deliveroo < / P > < P > <強> <跨類= " lia-unicode-emoji " > <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":smiling_face_with_heart_eyes: " > < / SPAN >, < / SPAN >一個品牌我欽佩:< /強>埃利昂·多爾,他們違反負擔得起的和高端時尚的差距通過提供高品質的產品和創新營銷和令人難以置信的旗艦店隻< / P > < P > <強> <跨類= " lia-unicode-emoji " > <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":globe_showing_americas: " > < / SPAN >, < / SPAN >最喜歡的旅行我過:< /強>訪問烏克蘭,2017年切爾諾貝利< / P > 星期二,2023年4月18日11:24:02格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/hello-from-london/m-p/696 M119 hjfremantle 2023 - 04 - 18 - t11:24:02z 你好,世界我是大衛從Clipchamp @微軟! https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/hello-world-i-m-david-from-clipchamp-microsoft/m-p/695 M118 < P >你好,< BR / > < BR / >不是新的釺(愛),但終於搬進了新家的篝火。很高興見到你。< span class = " lia-unicode-emoji“title = ": waving_hand: " > < / span > < / P > < P > <跨類=“lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline”圖片alt = " davido_0 - 1681786455715。png”風格= "寬度:36 px;< img src = " https://community.braze.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/245i483F40DACBB2577B/image-dimensions/36x36/is-moderation-mode/true? " >36 v = v2”寬度= " "高度= " 36”角色= "按鈕"標題= " davido_0 - 1681786455715。png " alt = " davido_0 - 1681786455715。png " / > < / span >, <強>地點:< /強>,墨爾本,澳大利亞。我們有最好的咖啡,甚至不試著說。< / P > < P > <跨類=“lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline”圖片alt = " davido_2 - 1681786455715。png”風格= "寬度:38 px;< img src = " https://community.braze.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/243i64B100F1466342E8/image-dimensions/38x38/is-moderation-mode/true? " >v = v2”寬度= " 38“高度=“38”角色= "按鈕" title =“davido_2——1681786455715。png " alt = " davido_2 - 1681786455715。png " / > < / span >, <強>工作:< /強>神奇Clipchamp視頻編輯軟件生命周期營銷經理團隊在微軟。這是一個rad的地方。 We are in an interesting position as Braze is not widely used so we are keen to show everyone just how great it is!

DavidO_3-1681786455716.png Brands: Hmm... brands I admire is a tough one but right now I'm going to say Scrimba. The most innovative and upbeat place to learn front end development and coding. Worth a look if you want to get deeper into HTML, CSS and JS on Braze.

DavidO_4-1681786455716.pngTravel: Can't say I have a favorite, as I love 'the journey' to anywhere but I travelled on a speaking tour about probiotics with a Chinese popstar/influencer once, played at crazy pool party with my old pop-rock band in Perth, Australia and have ridden a BMX into the Murray River. Those are all great memories.

Great to meet you all! Always open to conversations, keen to learn and keen to share.


星期二,2023年4月18日03:10:46格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/hello-world-i-m-david-from-clipchamp-microsoft/m-p/695 M118 DavidO 2023 - 04 - 18 - t03:10:46z
我是邁克爾從針!幫助品牌最大的釺! https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/i-m-michael-from-stitch-helping-brands-get-the-most-out-of-braze/m-p/667 M115 < P > <強> <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":world_map: " > < / span >,我來自:< / >強隨機印第安納州小鎮;我們有“拖拉機的一天”在我當地的學校隻< / P > < P > <強> <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= "::" > < / span >我現在住的地方:< /強>印第安納波利斯< / P > < P > <強> <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":公文包:" > < / span >我現在做什麼:< /強>我縫的首席執行官。與釺又是我們幫助營銷人員創建有意義的影響;< / P > < P > <強> <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":smiling_face_with_heart_eyes: " > < / span >一個品牌我欽佩:< /強>艱難的電話。APL或Stio隻< / P > < P > <強> <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":globe_showing_americas: " > < / span >最喜歡旅行我過:< /強>奇怪我那六歲的兒子從學校帶他在迪斯尼世界的冒險(就我們兩個人,媽媽和弟弟呆在家裏)隻< / P > 星期五,2023年4月14日01:36:08格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/i-m-michael-from-stitch-helping-brands-get-the-most-out-of-braze/m-p/667 M115 Michael-Stitch 2023 - 04 - 14 - t01:36:08z 出版公司+釺 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/publishing-company-braze/m-p/663 M113 < P >這裏有沒有人在新聞中,數字媒體,出版空間也使用釺?,< / P > 結婚,2023年4月12日17:29:23格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/publishing-company-braze/m-p/663 M113 btomcho 2023 - 04 - 12 - t17:29:23z 讓我們聚在篝火2.0 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/let-s-gather-around-bonfire-2-0/m-p/654 M111 < P > <強> <跨類= " lia-unicode-emoji " > <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":world_map: " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >,我來自:< /強>克利夫蘭哦美國< / P > < P > <強> <跨類= " lia-unicode-emoji " > <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= "::" > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >我現在住的地方:< /強>舊金山,CA美國< / P > < P > <強> <跨類= " lia-unicode-emoji " > <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":公文包:" > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >我現在做什麼:< / >強周期Marketing  @ Dashlane < / P > < P > <強> <跨類= " lia-unicode-emoji " > <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":smiling_face_with_heart_eyes: " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN > < SPAN >, < / SPAN >一個品牌我欽佩:,< /強>吉普車< / P > < P > <強> <跨類= " lia-unicode-emoji " > <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":globe_showing_americas: " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN > < SPAN >, < / SPAN >最喜歡旅行我過:布拉格,< /強> < / P > 星期一,2023年4月10 17:58:44格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/let-s-gather-around-bonfire-2-0/m-p/654 M111 RishiMahalaha 2023 - 04 - 10 - t17:58:44z 你好來自瑞典,我在BookBeat菲利普! https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/hi-from-sweden-i-m-philip-at-bookbeat/m-p/622 M106 < P > <強> <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":world_map: " > < / span >,我來自:< /強> Ulricehamn,瑞典< / P > < P > <強> <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":house_with_garden: " > < / span >我現在住的地方:< /強>斯德哥爾摩,瑞典。< / P > < P > <強> <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":公文包:" > < / span >我現在做什麼:< /強>,我是生長在BookBeat營銷經理,一個來自瑞典的有聲讀物訂閱服務但現在exisitng整個歐洲。我們隻是在釺和我開車了,我很興奮增長和參與我們的所有渠道提高到一個新水平!< / P > < P > <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":smiling_face_with_heart_eyes: " > < / span > <強>一個品牌我欽佩:< /強>,耐克!我以前工作過的品牌,也有大愛運動。這是一個簡單的隻< / P > < P > <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":globe_showing_europe_africa: " > < / span > <強>最喜歡旅行我過:< /強> 2018我前往斯裏蘭卡和愛上了島。我已經回來兩次,建議大家去! < / P > 結婚,2023年3月22日13:44:42格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/hi-from-sweden-i-m-philip-at-bookbeat/m-p/622 M106 psvenningsson 2023 - 03 - 22 - t13:44:42z 你好!我從SCHMACK Nolwen https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/hello-i-am-nolwen-from-schmack/m-p/621 M105 < P class = " " > < SPAN class = " " >你好!我期待著與最好的CRM專家!和支持任何人快樂!< / SPAN > < / P > < P class = " " > < SPAN class = " " > <強> <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":world_map: " > < / SPAN >,我來自:< /強> Britanny,法國< / SPAN > < / P > < P class = " " > < SPAN class = " " > <強> <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= "::" > < / SPAN >,現在我住的地方:< /強> Britanny回家,法國,住了7年之後在巴塞羅那和阿姆斯特丹< / SPAN > < / P > < P class = " " > < SPAN class = " " > <強> <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":公文包:" > < / SPAN >,我現在做的:< /強> CRM領導法國SCHMACK,家裏的CRM <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":high_voltage: " >⚡< / SPAN > < SPAN >我們CRM向導創建CRM策略和執行活動最大的方式。我的職責是開發法國市場,幫助(app-based)公司與客戶建立最好的關係。manbetx万博全站客户端< / SPAN > < / SPAN > < / P > < P class = " " > < SPAN class = " " > <強> <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":smiling_face_with_heart_eyes: " > < / SPAN >,一個品牌我欽佩:< / >強巴塔哥尼亞,質量好的衣服,可以修複而被改變。,他們強烈的身份,導致了用戶社區。< / SPAN > < / P > < P class = " " > < SPAN class = " " > <強> <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":globe_showing_americas: " > < / SPAN >,最喜歡旅行我過:< /強>我的兩個難忘的旅行是紐約和拉普蘭。是的,這兩個目標之間的巨大差距,說了很多關於我:兼收並蓄的人!,< / SPAN > < / P > 結婚,2023年3月22日10:20:46格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/hello-i-am-nolwen-from-schmack/m-p/621 M105 NolwenLeGoff 2023 - 03 - 22 - t10:20:46z 你好來自新加坡!燕長從樟宜機場集團(CAG) ! https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/hello-from-singapore-yan-long-from-changi-airport-group-cag/m-p/582 M103 < P >大家好!燕,我最近才開始使用銅焊後日落之前的工具。我很興奮與誌趣相投的人,聽到更多關於你們如何利用釺!< / P > < P > <跨類=“lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline”圖片alt = " yanlongtay_15 - 1678768286053。png”風格= "寬度:24 px;< img src = " https://community.braze.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/203i90AC794031D538C4/image-dimensions/24x24/is-moderation-mode/true? " >v = v2”寬度= " 24 "高度= " 24 "的作用= "按鈕"標題= " yanlongtay_15 - 1678768286053。png " alt = " yanlongtay_15 - 1678768286053。png" /> Where I'm from: Singapore

YanLongTay_16-1678768286055.png Where I live now: The little red dot on the map! Singapore 

YanLongTay_17-1678768286056.png What I do now: I'm a MarTech Lead in CAG, driving MarTech transformation in personalization and experimentation for our marketing campaigns.

YanLongTay_18-1678768286057.png A brand I admire: I'm a big Apple fan and really love their recent marketing campaigns. So engaging and gets to the point when marketing specific features.

YanLongTay_19-1678768286058.png Favorite trip I've ever taken: My most recent trip back to Japan after they close off borders for the last 3 years! Spent 2 fun weeks there and Japan never fails to impress!

星期二,2023年3月14日04:51:31格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/hello-from-singapore-yan-long-from-changi-airport-group-cag/m-p/582 M103 YanLongTay 2023 - 03 - 14 - t04:51:31z
你好,我是埃裏克 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/hi-there-i-m-eric/m-p/513 M96

Where I'm from: Los Angeles

Where I live now:  Los Angeles

What I do now: Sr Product Manager

A brand I admire: Apple

 Favorite trip I've ever taken: Caribbean

星期五,2023年3月03 05:53:45格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/hi-there-i-m-eric/m-p/513 M96 ericyoung 2023 - 03 - 03 - t05:53:45z
尋找一個承包商與釺/段水平為3個月 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/looking-for-a-contractor-with-braze-segment-proficiency-for-3/m-p/501 M95 < P >你好!尋找一個承包商為3個月,精通釺/段,可以幫助我們的一些客戶生命周期計劃在短期內。If anyone has referrals or is interested, please reach out.



Malika Tarabichi

星期二,2023年2月28日17:18:14格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/looking-for-a-contractor-with-braze-segment-proficiency-for-3/m-p/501 M95 mtarabichi 2023 - 02 - 28 - t17:18:14z
你好,我是悉尼 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/hi-there-i-m-sydney/m-p/469 M91 < P > < span class = " lia-unicode-emoji“title = ": world_map: " > < / span >,我來自:烏托邦,在加拿大安大略省(是的,我發誓它存在!)<跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= ":加拿大:" > < / span > < / P > < P > <跨類=“lia-unicode-emoji”稱號= "::" > < / span >現在我住的地方:聖凱瑟琳,安大略省。

What I do now: Currently I am a Marketing Automation Coordinator for Audiobooks.com. I joined Audiobooks.com in April of 2022; this was my first role using Braze and I am loving it!

A brand I admire: I am a daily user of Spotify. I have always been a music buff but I especially love Spotify's app experience and they are continuously innovating new ways to bring people together through music (i.e. Annual Recaps, Music Blends, etc.)

Favorite trip I've ever taken: That's a tough one! It is a toss up between my honeymoon in Cancun and a road trip I took to Nova Scotia. Two things that those trips have in common: amazing food and good company.

結婚,2023年2月15日17:09:47格林尼治時間 https://community.braze.com/t5/connection-lounge/hi-there-i-m-sydney/m-p/469 M91 sydneymack_ 2023 - 02年- 15 - t17:09:47z